No to the Imperialist proxy war against Niger!

No to the Imperialist proxy war against Niger!

Workers Democratic Way Party


No to the Imperialist proxy war against Niger!

The armies of the Economic Community of West African States, under the orders of imperialism, especially French imperialism, are preparing to launch an attack on Niger. Meanwhile, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea have declared that any military aggression against Niger is an aggression against them, and they will resist it.

These developments signal the danger of a war that will ignite the entire region, aggravate the plunder of its peoples and cause immense human suffering, destruction, and social tragedies.

Therefore, the Workers Democratic Way Party strongly rejects this imperialist threats and condemns French military war-mongering through its puppet regimes in the region against the people of Niger.

We also affirm the right of the Nigerien people to determine their own destiny free from foreign interventions.

We believe that the peaceful solution to the current crisis lies in the hands of Nigerien women and men, and their political and social democratic forces who aspire for freedom, democracy, and liberation from the grip of French imperialism.

Workers Democratic Way Party

Political Bureau
